Why I’m Throwing It All Out The Window

My background is in accounting. I have an accounting degree and I’m a CPA. But after working in corporate for years, I hit a ceiling and was tired of the corporate politics. So I started my own business. That was almost three years ago.

I had the thought that I could make my own job. One where there was no limit on promotions or the amount of money I could make.

So I set out “hanging up my shingle” as an accountant. Because, that’s what I’m trained to be, right?

After I acquired a few bookkeeping and tax clients, I worked through that first “busy” season (I wasn’t at full capacity so use the term busy lightly!). Afterwards, I took some time to reflect back on those three or four months.

I was a bit shocked to learn, I didn’t enjoy doing the tax work. At all. And yes, there are actually tax preparers out there who thoroughly enjoy the work and are experts at what they do.

I decided then and there that the first tax season for my firm would be the last. I wasn’t doing my clients a favor by continuing to work with them doing something I just wasn’t excited to do.

So I let the tax clients go. It was hard because I wasn’t where I wanted to be revenue-wise in my business.

I was left with some bookkeeping clients and kept moving forward serving them. But then I somehow heard about financial coaching. And I’d just joined a four-month course/group coaching program.

It seemed everyone in the course was a coach. I was intrigued. Was there something else I could do with my love of numbers and finances besides actual accounting work while still bringing value to small business owners?

So as part of the program, as we were building out our offering, I focused on building a financial coach offering for women.

I’d had my financial challenges in the past due to divorce and other things so I could relate to what someone might be struggling with.

After I finished that program, I stumbled upon a course that gave instruction and templates and all the things that would get my financial coaching practice up and running. So I invested.

It was a great program and did what it claimed it would. But I struggled with who I was, what my “why” was and who I wanted to serve. My heart was still invested in serving small business owners.

So I tried to figure out how I could package up and offer financial coaching services to small businesses.

I’m going to be honest with you right here. That idea never took off. I kept going with bookkeeping and added some advisory services for my clients to the mix like goal setting, planning, budgeting, and forecasting.

I took away bits and pieces from both of the programs I went through and used parts of them in my business.

But yet, I still struggled with what I wanted to be. And to get clarity on how I wanted my business to look.

I felt I had more to offer and that what I wanted to do was just right outside my reach but I couldn’t pinpoint exactly what it was.

I had imposter syndrome, confidence issues, mindset blocks. The works. So, I hired a coach. And started to work through those internal things that were blocking my progress.

And through this work, it finally hit me. I had a huge shift. I realized that I can use my over 16 years of corporate and accounting background and all I’ve learned in the last three years as an entrepreneur to help others.

We, as women business owners, often doubt our abilities and sometimes we don’t fully understand our strengths and areas we excel.

My own struggle with this impacted my ability to see clearly how I could use my skills and strengths in a way that serves others.

Once I understood my unique strengths and vision, I realized that I do know who I am. That I’m a hybrid. That I have unique skills to offer other women who may be struggling in their business.

So I’m not a business coach. I’m not a business strategist. But I’m a mix of both. And yes, I get hung up on these things. I’m a detail oriented person and can sometimes get caught up on the weeds. Have you been there?

If you’re struggling with confidence and mindset, I’ll definitely help you work through that by asking you thought provoking questions to help you break through those barriers. Because that’s important work before you can really get your business strategy on track.

But, I’ll also help you clarify your vision and business idea and help you figure out where to find your people so you can have a successful and growing business. I’ll be a mentor, strategist and brainstorming partner.

If you lack clarity in your vision and business idea or have the vision and/or idea but lack clarity on how to get it off the ground and if you think your mindset could use some work, stay tuned.

I’m developing a program for you that will take you through and to the other side of the confusion and lack of clarity so you can start growing your business and working with people you love.

Keep in touch. Join my email list. Keep an eye out for my new YouTube channel. And follow me on LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram, or all three! It’s going to be so good!

Do you lack vision, clarity or struggle with generating leads for your business? Let me know. I’d love to hear from you.

Ann Hooper

Ann Hooper is 


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