Daily 10 Bookkeeping Method

When you think about tracking business finances, you don’t even know where to begin.

The thought of sitting down to work on bookkeeping makes you feel completely overwhelmed and you’d rather do anything else.

You’ve been sort of tracking your income and expenses but are sure you’re missing things because you don’t have a good process in place.

You’re worried that come tax time, you’ll miss out on valuable deductions because you haven’t been tracking things as well as you should.

You don’t really know where your business stands or if you’re even making any money after you pay expenses.

What if there was an easier way to keep track of your business transactions that didn’t involve overwhelming software or spending all weekend trying to catch up?

Introducing the Daily 10 Bookkeeping Method

This course will teach you how to manage your bookkeeping in 10 minutes per day in a straightforward and engaging way.

You’ll know what to enter and when.

You won’t have overwhelming bookkeeping piling up.

And you’ll know if you’re making money in your business.

Here’s what’s inside:

  • Video instruction on how to use the bookkeeping template and explains how to understand your financial information.

  • The Daily 10 Bookkeeping Method template that you can take and begin to use immediately in your business to get a handle on your finances.

  • A template that’s designed to be easy to use and cut the overwhelm of getting your bookkeeping done regularly.

  • A profit & loss statement for your business that automatically generates as you input data so you’ll always know where your business stands.

  • Instructions on key takeaways in your profit & loss statement.

  • Lifetime access to the materials and access to any future updates.

  • Ann is very helpful and knowledgeable and offered so much information to me regarding business and finances. I now have a greater understanding of the financial aspects of my business. I am very grateful for the opportunity to have her guidance and expertise. I highly recommend working with her if you want to have a greater understanding of the financial side of your business.

    —Kristina G.

  • Working with Ann has been a wonderful experience. She is professional and is always available to answer my questions. I look forward to continuing to work with her!

    —Amanda S.

Once you implement the Daily 10 Bookkeeping Method into your business:

You’ll no longer be overwhelmed with bookkeeping tasks.

You’ll feel confident about knowing where your business stands.

You’ll have a profit & loss statement populated with all of your data to give to your tax preparer.

You’ll finally feel in control of your business's financial information.

You’ll have good data to make decisions and grow your business.

And best of all? You get all this for only $37.

$37 for peace of mind, no more overwhelm, and no more avoiding bookkeeping because you have a simple-to-use system to keep track of everything.

So what are you waiting for?

Hi! I'm Ann Hooper. I’m an Accountant and Financial Coach, and I help online and eCommerce business owners streamline their finances so they can make more money.

I’m an accountant by trade so I love all things numbers, and I love to share what I know to teach entrepreneurs how to use their numbers to consistently grow and scale their business. No boring training here. I know numbers aren’t for everyone, so I do my best to bring the information to my clients in a way that’s easy to understand and engaging.

The Daily 10 Bookkeeping Method will help you get your business financial information organized so you know where your business stands and you can start taking steps to generate consistent income!